Artistic Collaborations
Whether working with professional musicians, youth or community groups, or multi-artform collaborations, Oi Musica brings a wealth of experience and an open working style to every collaborative piece of work.
We are experienced across co-composing, collaboratively arranging or writing original music for massed drums, brass + wind as well as working with songwriters and choirs. We have experience of adding digital instruments to live massed musicians. We will happily work with all abilities, uniting professionals, non-professionals and all generations; and we specialise in finding common ground between players of different backgrounds - musical and otherwise.

Enough is Enough
During the Autumn of 2020, this piece of music was composed with the express purpose of inviting choirs, street bands and community groups to learn and perform it, and join an exciting, collective musical response to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow in November 2021. Full details at
Enough is Enough, Youth Street Band collaboration
Featuring Kinetika Bloco, Brass Blast, Runaway Samba, Jubacana, SambaYaBamba, The Incredible Plastic Street Band, Jack Drum Arts and Oi Musica.
In 2021, as Glasgow prepared to host COP26, 200 young people from across the UK came together to share a message for world leaders. Aged 5 to 25, from 6 cities and towns across England and Scotland, and at all stages of their music and dance learning, the young people in this film have chosen to add their voices to Let it Grow - a project that built an online wave of music making and creative expression under the hashtag #MusicforCOP26
Enough is Enough, Govan performance during Cop26
Heather Longwell's short edit of Enough is Enough performed in Govan Cross Square on 10/11/21 by Karine Polwart, Oi Musica, The Soundhouse Choir, Brass Aye, SambaYaBamba, a flashmob choir and children from Riverside Primary School.

Thrill the City
Collaboration between Luc Mishalle (MetX, Brussels) Marcus Britton (Oi Musica, Edinburgh) and musicians from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Brussels & Morocco. Original music composed by Luc Mishalle.