Let It Grow
Explore the incredible range of music made as part of Let it Grow
Devised in response to Scotland’s hosting of COP26 in November 2021, Let it Grow invited music makers of all ages, abilities & genres to share a piece of music in the lead up and during the 26th UN Climate Summit, held in Glasgow. The project generated an online wave of music that expressed solidarity with those working in the climate sphere - a mass sharing of views and creative noise-making adding to the growing international call for climate justice.
Oi Musica’s collaborative composition ‘Enough is Enough’, co-written with Karine Polwart and Heather Macleod (of the Soundhouse Choir) remains available for anyone to learn, teach or perform. A comprehensive collection of lyrics, chords, notation and arrangements for choir, brass and percussion is available under ‘Downloads’ on the project website.